Ararat Farm Newsletter June 2022

Hello Everyone, you get a treat this month to have two newsletters in one month! There actually has been a lot happening this month that provides a lot of content for one month. It has been a very hot June this year with very little rain. Thankfully we got several big rain storms last month which provided sustainable growth during this dry period. Thus far the fields yet to be grazed look very nice while the fields already grazed have been bushhogged (mowed) and are ready for some good rain. Now enough about weather, lets get down to the nitty gritty of daily life for the last month.

Summary for the month of June:

  • Bulls to the Herd!

  • New Piglets…a lot of new piglets…

  • Pigs and Cows, Multiple Species Grazing

  • Recent Farm Hand Addition…

  • Hot Hot Days

The Herd

Early this month we put the bull and steers back into the herd. So now all the cows on the farm are in one big herd and separate. We remove the bull (or bulls) from the herd to try and control when the cows get breed in order to ensure the calves are born during a better season. The cows are moving daily rotations this month and have looked really good on the tall grass grazing their salad bar of choice grasses.

The Pigs

As you may have seen in the last email we delayed pork orders for a month to give the big pigs a little more time to grow. So with that said, we have the 10 big pigs, plus we added 14 more little pigs! So we currently have a lot of pigs right now. The little pigs are for winter pork. So far they are doing well staying in the fence like good little pigs should do

Multiple Species Grazing

This month the cows grazed in such a direction that led them to the pig field. They haven’t grazed this field since these pigs have been on the farm. It’s always entertaining to watch the cows and pigs figure out who is boss over the field. Even though the cows are bigger the pigs end up being the bossy ones moving the cows everywhere. It’s so entertaining to watch.

Ararat’s New Farm Hand

Meet Shamrock, our newest farm hand. We have as you know had Rum who had done very well in helping work the cows. Both with sorting and moving the herd. We have looked for a second horse making things a little easier not having to be on foot all the time. We will still work the cows on foot and handle them to keep them tame and coming to us. So far Sham has been a good fit!

Hot Hot Hot Days…

So, we had to include this picture to describe truly how hot it has been this month. The kittens play in the mornings and evenings and sleep through the afternoons (in all positions) cause it’s too hot to do anything else.

That’s all Folks

Well, that should bring you all up to date on the latest events on the farm for the month. It’s been a busy month with chores but even in the busy days we are striving to steward the time wisely and enjoy the blessings that come daily. Thank you for visiting today and we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Your Ararat Farm

Matt Watson